Block Twitter direct messages if you don’t want to receive direct messages from a specific account. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks that enable users to send out tweets to other people. Wittier enables other users to follow users on Twitter and this enables users to send out direct messages and public at mentioned to people to communicate messages, share content, etc. However, if Twitter users want to block twitter direct messages from certain people, Twitter allows people to block twitter direct messages and also Twitter accounts from adding these users. If you want to know how to block Twitter direct messages, follow the simple steps outlined below.
How to Block Twitter Direct Messages
1.Navigate to the Twitter profile of the Twitter user you want to block Twitter direct messages. In the profile, click on the Person logo below the Twitter profile.
2. A dropdown menu of options will be displayed. Choose, Block @{username} to block that person. If you block a Twitter user, Twitter will also block Twitter direct messages from that person or company.

Block Twitter Direct Messages
Block Twitter Direct Messages
Twitter is a great social network that enables users to share information and messages across the world. There are millions of users one Twitter who regularly tweet messages, media content and more and this inevitably leads to some people getting annoyed by the information tweeted out by certain people. Twitter users can privately message each other using Twitter direct messages. While twitter direct messages are a great way to privately communicate with the people you follow, sometimes Twitter users might not prefer to get Twitter direct messages from certain people and for this twitter has a feature that allows Twitter users to block twitter direct messages.
Twitter is a vibrant social network and as more people start using Twitter and start following people, Twitter direct messages is bound to become a popular medium of communication as private Twitter direct messages will enable Twitter users onto directly contact Twitter users. If you don’t have a Twitter account, consider registering for a Twitter account now.
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