Linkedin Follow Button: Gain Followers For Your Company

LinkedIn Follow Button

As a company, integrating the Facebook Page and Twitter Feed have become standard practices for many companies but starting today the Linkedin Follow Button is another must-add button to your corporate website. The LinkedIn Follow Button allows your company to. While Facebook and Twitter have  mass reach in terms of a very vast user base, it is important to realize the value of a LinkedIn user. The professional eco-system that Linkedin has established enables professionals to connect with their colleagues and gain valuable information about companies – latest news, product launches, feedback, etc.. Recently it launched the LinkedIn Follow Button that allows LinkedIn users to follow companies that they like, follow (as analysts or journalists) or interested in because they are a loyal consumer of the company’s products.

Benefits of using the Linkedin Follow Button

  • Educate your customers, prospective clients and media through the Linkedin Follow Button about any upcoming events, press conferences, etc.
  • Introduce new products or surveys to gauge response of audience/media to your company initiative
  • Leverage your professional network to churn out new product ideas
Benefits of following companies on LinkedIn
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest events and news from the companies by using the LinkedIn Follow Button
  • If you are a journalist this is the perfect place to get updates from the company (you don’t have to rely on the rumor mill)
  • Get updates about recruiting events and new job positions; you can follow multiple companies and their job positions will show up in your NewsFeed as opposed to going to multiple websites every now and then to see if your dream job is available
  • If you are an analyst in the financial sector, following the companies in your stock portfolio provides a great way to get real-time information from the company. The LinkedIn Follow Button cannot replace a financial website, but can supplement key information for analysts in their decision-making.

Here is a short video from the LinkedIn YouTube channel that introduces the concept of Linkedin Follow Button.

LinkedIn Follow Button

If you have already integrated the LinkedIn Follow Button on your company website, have you seen a lot of traction in terms of LinkedIn followers? Leave a note in the comment section below.

News Tip: LinkedIn Button

Image Credit: LinkedIn

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